Schools Prayer Line
07/01 - Antrim Grammar School
08/01 - Antrim Primary School
09/01 - Armoy Primary School
10/01 - Ashfield Girls’ High School
11/01 - Ballinamallard Primary School
Working alongside the local church, Scripture Union Northern Ireland seeks to open the Bible, God's Good News, with children, young people and their families.
07/01 - Antrim Grammar School
08/01 - Antrim Primary School
09/01 - Armoy Primary School
10/01 - Ashfield Girls’ High School
11/01 - Ballinamallard Primary School
At SUNI we offer a range of Summer Camps for ages 9-18. Each Camp is residential, meaning you pack your bags for anything from 3-7 nights.
Our different Camps offer different activities and experiences but all centre around making God’s Good News known.
When Scripture Union began to work in Northern Ireland, it started with a mission on a beach (CSSM).
Over the years this ministry has grown significantly and we now have over 20 missions in various locations across Northern Ireland (not only by the sea!). Each mission runs a different programme but all are free and open to 4–17 year olds.
As God’s people together, it is our privilege and responsibility to
“tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power and the wonders he has done.” Psalm 78:4