Scripture Union, Northern Ireland

Your Legacy


“We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done.”  Psalm 78:4 


Over the years, Scripture Union NI has benefitted enormously from the generosity of supporters who have left us gifts in their Wills. This has helped ensure that God’s good news is shared with children and young people, in generation after generation.

We appreciate each and every gift, whether it is big or small.

We know that everyone’s circumstances are different, and that making a Will is a personal decision. However, if you would like to benefit the work of Scripture Union Northern Ireland, then we hope this information is helpful. 



Click on the questions below to find out more.

What should I do if I want to make a Will?

You should contact your solicitor who will be able to help you do this. You should also contact your solicitor if you are considering changing your existing will to include a gift to SUNI. SUNI cannot give you legal or financial advice, nor can we help you make a will or recommend a solicitor who will do so.

What kind of gift/legacy can I give to SUNI?

You should take advice from your solicitor in relation to your specific circumstances, but in general it is possible to leave gifts of specific amounts of money, gifts of items/property which you own, or it is also possible to leave a percentage of your estate to SUNI.

Can I leave my gift/legacy to a specific area of SUNI’s work?

In general, we would encourage our donors to leave the gift for the general work of SUNI. This allows us to use the gift in whatever ministry we need, at the time when we receive the gift.

However, we understand that you may have a particular interest in one area of our work, and if this is the case, and you are considering a gift to SUNI in your will, it would be helpful if you would contact us at

Is there any information which will be needed by my solicitor to include a gift when drafting my Will?

In order for your gift to benefit Scripture Union Northern Ireland, it is essential that our full name and address is included in the Will. This is particularly important as SUNI is one of over 100 Scripture Union movements around the world.

Our full name and address and charity number are as set out below:

Scripture Union Northern Ireland
Beechill Business Park,
96 Beechill Road,

Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC104852

If you or your solicitor require any further details in relation to the organisation, please contact us at

There is absolutely no requirement to tell us if you are leaving us a gift in your Will, but we would love to hear from you at if you are happy to share the details.