Scripture Union, Northern Ireland

Camps & Missions 2020 Update

Each Summer over 6,500 children and young people explore God’s Word and encounter Him at an SU Camp or Mission.  Our staff and volunteers count these opportunities as a massive privilege and one we literally plan our whole year around. 

Over the last number of weeks, during the outbreak of the COVID–19 pandemic, we have been praying and considering what this year’s Camps and Missions could look like should social distancing continue.

However, after a detailed review and exploration of various options, it is with a heavy heart that the Council of SUNI have made the difficult decision to cancel all Camps and Missions for Summer 2020.

God has been so good to us throughout our preparations and we still have so much to give Him thanks for.  Although Summer will not look like we had hoped, we continue to trust His purposes in all things.

Please continue to follow our social media platforms for online resources and materials for children, young people and families throughout this time.

We thank everyone who partners with us in this ministry, for their preparations thus far and for their support; local churches, team leaders, volunteers, prayer supporters, activity providers, those give financially, residential venues, cooks, approvers, mentors and the staff team… it’s a long list!

Summer will look different in 2020 but please know you can continue to support the ministry of SU in the following ways:

Thank you and see you all soon!


For all FAQ’s regarding the cancellation of Camps & Missions 2020 teams, click here.

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