Scripture Union, Northern Ireland


Much has changed in our world since Scripture Union first began in 1867 with one man’s commitment to introducing and nurturing faith in Children. One hundred and forty years later, that same commitment is worked out in partnership with churches in a variety of ways with children, young people and families, in more than 130 countries.

The SU International Council is entrusted with the welfare of Scripture Union globally. Its members are drawn from the seven SU Regional Councils, with an Executive and the participation of the international staff. They meet each year to maintain an overview of the status, development and future plans of SU worldwide.

From the grassroots work with children in schools to the representation of an entire Region on the International Council, we share the same desire – to see the aims of Scripture Union fulfilled through a variety of specialist ministries in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ and in reliance on the Holy Spirit.

To find out more about Scripture Union’s international work and their Aims, Beliefs and Working Principles, visit the international website by clicking here.


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